Five Ways to Reduce Heartburn Naturally

Five Ways to Reduce Heartburn Naturally Heartburn is a common problem in North America.  It is caused by the regurgitation of gastric juices up into the esophagus leading to a burning or warming feeling in the chest, an acidic taste in your mouth or chest pains.  This could be due to a bacterial infection, food.. read more →

The Importance Of Oral Health On Digestion

The Importance Of Oral Health On Digestion How can there be a strong correlation between oral health and diet-related conditions such as indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or simply gas and bloating? Although we all have the choice to eat the foods that are most appealing to us, our selection becomes limited with the condition.. read more →

How Is H.Pylori Related To My Stomach Ulcer?

How Is H.Pylori Related To My Stomach Ulcer? Helicobacter Pylori is a bacterium that seems to be connected to 90% of peptic ulcers (stomach ulcers).  It is unclear if the bacterium is at the root cause of the ulcer or if it has an affinity to a certain stomach environment that produces ulcers.  In either.. read more →

How Digestion Effects Energy Levels

How Digestion Effects Energy Levels A healthy digestive system is key in maintaining good energy levels.  It is the digestive systems job to convert food into fuel for our cells and we have over 50 trillion cells to feed!  The plants acquire the energy from the sunlight and store it as carbohydrates; we then eat.. read more →

Parasites Can Cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Parasites Can Cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome Parasites are any organism that has invaded and developed a non-mutual (parasitic) relationship with another organism of a different species, known as the “host”.  The parasite lives at the host’s expense, weakening its system and interfering with it’s health.  The parasite can then thrive increasing its fitness and rate of.. read more →

Teas Can Soothe Stomach Cramps

Teas Can Soothe Stomach Cramps Tea has been used for thousands of years as medicine.  There are many different types, which hold numerous properties to aid in digestion.  Teas can help digest rich meals, by stimulating the liver, increasing blood flow to your digestive organs and by adding special metabolites to help break down fats,.. read more →

Stress is Linked to Stomach Pain, Gas and Bloating

Stress is Linked to Stomach Pain, Gas and Bloating In today’s fast-paced world it is inevitable that we will have to deal with unwanted stress.  Small amounts of stress are necessary for our optimal function, but too much could be the primary cause of most disease! Types of Stress: Physical Stress: exercise or hard labor.. read more →

Millet May Help Reduce Your Digestive Problems

Millet May Help Reduce Your Digestive Symptoms Millet is a  wonderful grain that can be used  in many different recipes, however not to many people have heard of it, let alone cooked with it. It is another great choice  for people that are dealing with digestive symptoms related to gluten sensitivities or Celiac Disease, as millet.. read more →

Carbohydrates to Help Prevent Digestive Upset

Carbohydrates to Help Prevent Digestive Upset This is a question that always comes up, “what are some good sources of carbohydrates to help prevent digestive upset”. There is so much information put out on if carbohydrates are good are bad for you, and whether you should be including them into you daily routine. Unfortunately carbohydrates.. read more →

Genetically Modified Food and the Gut Connection

Genetically Modified Food and the Gut Connection Scientists are just starting to come out with the studies showing GMF (Genetically Modified Food) or GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms) can have a drastic effect on the health of our society. This includes everyone that consumes these foods, including our children, parents, friends and ourselves. Worse is that these.. read more →