What Causes Constipation?

What Causes Constipation? This question comes up all to often in this day in age, as people find themselves gassy, bloated and irritable. Today, people are pushing themselves beyond there means, have an extremely stressful lifestyle, and tend to forget to take care of themselves by eating whole nutrient dense foods. The most convenient option.. read more →

Lower Your Risk Of Cancer Of The Bowel

Lower Your Risk Of Cancer Of The Bowel Bowel cancer, is actually the general term for cancer that develops in the large intestine and is normally called rectal or colon cancer. You can however also get cancer in the small intestine, but this tends to be more rare. Colon cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells.. read more →

Prevent Stomach Aches After Eating

Prevent Stomach Aches After Eating That white pasta covered in cheese looks great, doesn’t it? How about that fat, juicy cheeseburger? Or maybe you’re in the mood for chocolate – and you’re craving lots of it! The problem occurs when after what you thought a great meal looked like and what seemed to be very.. read more →

Why Do You Have a Stomach Ache?

Why Do You Have a Stomach Ache? If you’re used to visiting our site, you probably already know that a stomach ache is not something you should have to deal with on a day to day basis. As there is normally an underlying cause that you may have overlooked or possibly even been aware of,.. read more →

What is a Stomach Ulcer?

What is a Stomach Ulcer?  Do you have a deep pain in your stomach that doesn’t seem to go away? Is it constantly in the background, making you aware of every bite of food you take? Have you lost your appetite and experienced recent drop in weight? When your stress levels are higher do you.. read more →

Why is My Stomach Bloated?

Why is My Stomach Bloated? There can be many factors related to why you have stomach bloating…. Taking into consideration your dietary choices leading up to your symptoms and sometimes even days before is always a great place to start. Unfortunately for many people this connection is not made, until it is too late. A.. read more →

Why is My Stomach Growling?

Why is My Stomach Growling? When you’re hungry — really hungry! — your stomach can start to growl. It might be a small little whimper of a growl at first, but the longer you go without food, the louder those growls seem to become. Some people experience pains of hunger as well, that make them.. read more →

A Natural Remedy for Upset Stomach

A Natural Remedy for Upset Stomach Have you ever mentioned a health problem in a room full of well-meaning people and gotten a dozen different theories on how to fix it? If you mention that you have an upset stomach, you might hear everything from “drink ginger tea” to “sniff a bar of grapefruit soap.”.. read more →

Is Colon Cleansing a Good Idea?

Is Colon Cleansing a Good Idea? If you have been struggling with significant gas and bloating, you might be willing to try almost anything to make it go away. There are many products on the market that claim to help with this process. A Colon cleanse, or laxative type cleansing product will promise a few.. read more →

Colon Cancer

Colon Cancer Colon cancer is a terrifying disease. In 2008, statistics show over 142,000 people were diagnosed with it, and over 52,000 died from it. This is not a very pretty statistic! Unfortunately, many of the early signs of colon cancer go unnoticed because they occur seldom or maybe attributed to something else. To make matters worse,.. read more →