What You Need to Know About Flatulence

What You Need to Know About Flatulence You already know it can be one of the most embarrassing things to ever happen to you. You might dread going out in public because you’re afraid of when it might erupt. The odour can be offensive. The sound can announce it to all your friends and the people in.. read more →

How to Ease Your Upset Tummy

How to Ease Your Upset Tummy Have you ever had one of those nights when you lay in bed and cradled your upset tummy, hoping the cramps went away as soon as possible so you could get some sleep? How many times have you been out with a group of friends of family and felt.. read more →

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome This is a common diagnosis offered to thousands of individuals suffering from all sorts of indigestion symptoms associated with their bowels. The problem of diagnosis with this “Syndrome”, is the lack of understanding of what the causes could be, and how to prevent it in the future for the patient. When I.. read more →

Stomach Gas and Indigestion Symptoms? Keep a Food Journal

Stomach Gas and Indigestion Symptoms? Keep a food journal You might read the headline and think: What? I have indigestion symptoms and stomach gas, and instead of giving me a simple solution they want me to write a food journal in order to help prevent the problem……… Yes, you read that right — and yes, that’s exactly what you.. read more →

What is Indigestion?

What is Indigestion? You’ve probably heard the term, but you might not know exactly what it means….. Indigestion is often used as a catch-all phrase, such as “tummy ache” is used to describe a wide variety of symptoms. Therefore people may call a uncomfortable symptom they are having digesting their food indigestion, however this symptom.. read more →

Do You Suffer From Bloating After Eating?

Do You Suffer From Bloating After Eating? Food is one of the greatest pleasures in life. The wide variety, the preparation, the presentation, and the atmosphere that surrounds a good meal — all have a divine design that heightens all the senses. The fine company that often comes with “breaking the bread and passing the wine” isn’t.. read more →

Do You Suffer From Constipation?

Do You Suffer From Constipation? Constipation tends to affect everyone at sometime in their lives. Actually, sometimes people are unaware they are constipated and think its normal to have an under functioning bowel. Use these quick reminders below to help you pick on the symptoms instead of living with them! Symptoms Of Constipation  Straining when.. read more →

Check Out These Easy Bloating Treatments!

Check Out These Easy Bloating Treatments! Symptoms of bloating can make you feel uncomfortable at best, or like a beached whale at worst. The excess gas and air in your abdomen can be bad enough to make you unbutton your jeans after every meal, or cause you to run to the bathroom when out on.. read more →

Is Your Digestion Problem Serious?

Is Your Digestion Problem Serious? Digestive problems are one of those things that everyone deals with from time to time — but that doesn’t make it any easier, and it certainly doesn’t make it any less frightening. Sometimes we joke about bloating…. Women talk about how they have “skinny jeans” and “fat jeans” — of.. read more →

Celiac Disease Is One Of Many Types Of Bowel Disease

Celiac Disease Is One Of Many Types Of Bowel Disease When you have serious gas and bloating that lingers for a while, you might start to wonder if you have a more serious gastrointestinal bowel disease. Unfortunately, that turns out to be the case for millions of people.. If you have been having problems with.. read more →